
Membership is open to any individual or institution who has an active interest in cooperative approaches to protecting our state's heritage. This is a volunteer-based organization and there are no dues or fees. Knowing one day you may be the one in need, you are encouraged to assist other cultural and historical organizations during disasters by offering resources. Examples of resources to offer include sharing your knowledge about cultural and historic resources, aiding us to identify organizations or collections at-risk, making contact with your local emergency managers and responders, or knowing where there might be secure storage space to temporarily house an evacuated collection or displaced organization.

To become a member of the CHR-TF or to learn more about the organization, please contact us or join our mailing list using the form at the bottom of this page.


The CHR-TF is led by a volunteer Steering Committee comprised of experienced practitioners and subject-matter experts from local, state, and federal agencies and other cultural organizations and emergency management professions. Our Response and Recovery (R&R) Committee includes three National Heritage Responders and other state and national specialized emergency experts who can help with collections disasters. Current co-chairs of CHR are:

Carl Stewart

Carl is recently retired after 30 years working for the University of Colorado Libraries, first in the Preservation Department and then as Building Manager of Norlin Library, part of a National Historic District. With degrees in art history and art, and hands-on experience in numerous emergencies and disasters, he is a National Heritage Responder and serves as co-chair of the CHR-TF.

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Christina Cain

Christina has held positions in museum collections preservation for over 25 years. She is the Emergency Programs Manager for the Foundation for Advancement in Conservation (FAIC) and a National Heritage Responder. Christina holds a master’s degree in Museum and Field Studies from the University of Colorado. She also serves as the Emergency Preparedness Chair and Peer Assessor for the Colorado Wyoming Association of Museums (CWAM).